Car chassis maintenance
2021-06-30 10:06:56

Car chassis maintenance is often considered optional. It is far less important than the engine and body. In fact, whether a car chassis is well maintained is directly related to the safety of the car. Mobility, comfort and economy cannot be taken lightly. There are many similarities between the maintenance of the chassis and the maintenance of the engine. Need to check in time.

1) Check the oil content of each important component in time.

This includes transmissions, braking systems, power steering systems, etc. On the one hand, they are regularly supplemented or replaced at special service stations in strict accordance with the prescribed time regulations. Whether the oil in each liquid storage tank is between the two tick marks on. If it is below the lower tick mark, it should be added in time. If the oil level drops faster, the system will leak and need to be checked immediately. Repair the leaked parts in time.

The important thing to note here is that the added oil must be the same size as the original oil, so that different oils can be mixed together to cause a chemical reaction, which in turn makes the oil deteriorate and self-frustrate.

2) Pay attention to the wear of brake pads and clutch pads in time.

Brake pads and clutch pads are consumables that wear out and lose their original function after a period of use. If it is not replaced in time, it can easily cause a car accident. Under normal circumstances, there are corresponding warning instructions on the car, and timely warning signals are issued to remind users to replace.

On buses, rivets are sometimes riveted to a steel back. When we were sitting on the bus, we heard the sharp and squeaking sound of the driver's brakes, as a warning to the driver that the friction pads had become rivets. Must be replaced immediately. However, most cars now change the friction plate to a steel back by gluing. The sound is released before the friction plate is ground until the metal is in direct contact with the metal. It is too late to replace the friction plate. Therefore, an electronic signal sensor is installed. When the friction plate is 1.5 mm to the left, the brake indicator on the dashboard will light up to remind the driver to replace the friction plate.

By the way, in the rainy weather of 01717, the friction plate will absorb moisture and the friction force will be greatly reduced. At this time, when the car just starts, you should gently press the brakes and clutch several times, use the heat generated by friction to evaporate the water on the friction plate, and then leave the car.

It is invisible to the naked eye. Do not underestimate these three small deflection angles, which determine the steering performance of the car. If you crash, or if you use it for too long, it will change a lot and processing will be greatly reduced. Therefore, if you feel strange while steering the steering wheel, you should go to the regular garage or a professional four-wheel alignment checkpoint to check and adjust accordingly. The cost is not high, but ensuring safe driving. Cars often encounter rain and snow, and the chassis is prone to rust when exposed to water. If the snow is frozen by spraying water, the saltwater will accelerate the corrosion of the steel; on bad roads, the flywheel will pick up gravel and hit the chassis. Therefore, some manufacturers recommend spraying a protective film on the chassis to improve the ability to prevent rust, reduce impact damage, and extend the life of the chassis.

However, this must be analyzed in detail. Many high-end cars have used double-sided galvanized steel. The wax injection process is used in gaps where water can be poured. Generally speaking, 10 to 15 years is not a problem. The bottom of some cars is covered with rust-proof steel plates to avoid water immersion and reduce aerodynamic resistance. There is no need to add this type of car.

3) Chassis maintenance is the key

If the tire bursts at high speed, a major accident will occur. If it is small, it will tilt, if it is large, it will flip. Even if there are no accidents, parking tires on the side of the road is definitely not a pleasant thing. Therefore, it is necessary to check the condition of the tire before each trip.

Check tire pressure first

The inflation pressure is too high, and the tires can easily burst, especially in summer; and the pressure is too low, the car resistance increases, and the fuel consumption increases accordingly. Therefore, the car's description indicates that the specified pressures in the front and rear tires are different. For user convenience, the nameplate on each driver's seat post is clearly marked. Of course, sometimes it needs to be adjusted appropriately. For example, when the road is smooth and hot, the pressure decreases. (Second subheading) Always check whether the tire tread is often driving under harsh road conditions. It is necessary to check the tire tread pattern for sharp nails, stones and broken glass to avoid puncture the tire. If the pattern on the tire surface is worn to some extent, the tire needs to be replaced in time. Usually when the pattern is worn to a distance of only 1.5 to 2 mm, certain marks appear on the tire. Different grades of tire marks are different, but are described in the manual. It's time to change the tires.

Change front and rear tires after driving a certain mileage

According to the manufacturer's regulations, after driving a certain mileage, the front and rear tires should be replaced. Because the bearing weight of the two is not equal and the wear is not equal, they can be fully utilized to extend the service life of the tire. However, it is important to note that the replacement of radial tires and bias tires is different. The former is a linear change before and after, and the latter is a horizontal 8-word change.

Modern cars basically use tubeless tires. Even if nails are inserted, the problem is not great. It has an automatic shutdown function. Tubed tires leak immediately. When tubeless tires are used, the requirements for the rims are high, and the rolled out steel rims are not good, and accuracy cannot be obtained, so machined aluminum alloy rims are used. However, the hardness of the aluminum alloy rim is low. When changing tires, special disassembly and assembly machines must be used. The use of steel rods can damage the rim. When preparing to change tires, it is best to choose a store with a special tire disassembly machine and balance it on a special tire balancer, otherwise vibration will occur during driving. It must be noted that the four tires on the car must have the same dimensions and the grades are preferably the same. The side of the tire is its weak link and it is easy to rub. Therefore, be careful not to rub the tires on the curb or other hard objects while driving. Always bring a spare tire when you get off the car and it can be suffocating. It's best to bring a can of tire catcher in case of a leak, you can temporarily dispose of it in order to drive the car to a repair point.

It is best to learn to change the tires yourself. On the tailgate of the car, the car manufacturer has prepared spare tires and replacement tools for you, such as jacks (or jacks) and nut wrenches. For men, changing tires should not be a very difficult task.